Wild rats form a nest of urine and droppings, which can leave a strong musky smell in a house. Rats can also leave a smell if they die in a house’s walls or under floorboards. Rats can be caught using standard traps, or live traps which are considered to be more humane. Wild rats… Read more »
How to look after a rat?
What is a rat ? A Rat is a mouse-like animals. They come in various sizes, from small to medium. Rats are long-tailed rodents; the rat’s long tail helps it to regulate body temperature. Secondly, a rat’s tail allows it to maintain its balance. They climb up walls, trees and walk along narrow ledges…. Read more »
How are animals cloned? The uses of cloned animals
Animals are cloned by placing the chromosomes from one animal into an egg cell. An embryo is then produced which is genetically identical to the animal. Cloning animals provides benefits in agriculture and medicine, and can even be used to make copies of pets. The most famous example of cloning an animal is Dolly the… Read more »
Do animals get embarrassed?
Embarrassment is a complex emotion which relies on our understanding of what others may think of us. Since humans can’t directly tell how an animal is feeling, we can only assume from observation whether or not certain animals are capable of feeling embarrassment. Why do we become embarrassed? Embarrassment arises when a person becomes aware of… Read more »