Can Sharks Swim Backwards?

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Sharks swimming backwards

Sharks: Masters of Forward Motion Can Sharks swim backwards? The answer, surprisingly, is no – not efficiently at least. Sharks, the ocean’s apex predators, are widely feared for their size, speed, and sharp teeth. But how well can these magnificent creatures navigate the underwater world in reverse?   Built for Speed, Not Reversing Sharks’ bodies… Read more »

Finding the Right Pet

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Dog. Pet

Finding the Right Pet: The ‘Pawfect’ Companion   Choosing a pet is an exciting decision! Finding the right pet comes with a huge responsibility. After all, you’re welcoming a furry (or feathery, or scaly) friend into your life for many years to come. With so many adorable options to pick from, doing your research before… Read more »

Why Do Giraffes Have Long Necks?

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Why do giraffes have long necks?

The Long and Short of It: Why Do Giraffes Have Long Necks? Giraffes are truly iconic, and easily recognisable by their towering height and, of course, their incredibly long necks. So, why do giraffes have a super long neck? One theory, like many things in nature, is adaptation and survival (food and fighting!).  Food: Reaching… Read more »

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

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Dogs wet nose

Why Dog Noses Are Wet and Wonderful Why do dogs have wet noses? It is all for smelling and sweating! Have you ever been given a surprise kiss on the cheek from your dogs cool, wet nose? Besides being adorable, there’s a whole science behind why dog noses are so wet!  The Super Sniffer Imagine… Read more »

Why Are Elephants Endangered?

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Why Are Elephants Endangered? Why exactly are elephants endangered? Let’s unpack the two biggest reasons: Poachers and Habitat loss. Elephants. The majestic giants with wrinkly skin, floppy ears, and tremendous tusks. Sadly, these amazing creatures are facing some serious threats, putting them on the endangered species list.    1. Poachers and the Allure of Elephant… Read more »

Is a Zebra a Horse?

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Is a zebra a horse? The answer is a neigh – well, not quite. The black and white stripes of a zebra are instantly recognisable. But are zebras simply horses in a bold new fashion statement?  Zebras and horses are close relatives, but they’re distinct species with their own unique characteristics. So in short no,… Read more »

Do Penguins Have Feathers?

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Do penguins have feathers? The answer is a resounding yes! Penguins, like all birds, are absolutely covered in feathers. In fact, their feathers are specially adapted for their aquatic lifestyle, playing a vital role in everything from waterproofing to insulation and even movement.  Feathers to swim! Penguins are some of the most loved birds on… Read more »

What nicknames do puffins have?

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Puffins nickname. eating fish.

What nicknames do puffins have? ‘Get ready, because we’re setting sail to meet the puffin, a bird so colourful and comical it’s earned the nickname “Sea Parrot.” But is a puffin really a parrot, and what other nicknames does this feathered beauty have? While the puffin shares a vibrant beak with some parrots, that’s where… Read more »

Do seals drink seawater?

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Do seals drink seawater?

Have you ever watched a seal frolicking in the ocean and wondered, “Do seals drink seawater?” The answer might surprise you. Because no, they don’t! Unlike us landlubbers constantly reaching for a refreshing glass of water, seals have a fascinating secret weapon in their fight against dehydration. Seals categorically do not drink seawater. In fact, doing… Read more »