Guinea pigs are vegetarian and their diet has little fat, so it is unusual for them to become overweight. However, they can gain weight from having too little exercise, being fed too many treats, or suffering from a medical issue like pregnancy or a tumour. How do I tell if my guinea pig… Read more »
Which is the best lizard for a pet?
There are many different breeds of lizard, each with a temperament suitable for a house pet. But which lizards are best for a pet? Here is a list of the lizard breeds which are most friendly, behave the best around kids, and boast the coolest colours. Leopard Gecko Leopard Geckos are… Read more »
Are bearded dragons friendly?
With the name ‘dragon’, you may think that bearded dragons have seriously scary temperaments, but bearded dragons are actually one of the most calm and friendly reptiles you can have as a pet. If you’re thinking of owning a bearded dragon, read on to find out about how your bearded dragon will behave around… Read more »
Which snake is best for a pet?
Snakes are captivating animals due to their unusual look and little need for attention so you may want one for a pet. They require special requirements however, which vary between breeds. This means you should choose a snake breed which best suits your interests and time. Here are five common breeds which are easy to… Read more »
How to stop your rabbit from biting
Rabbits bite for a range of reasons, which you can usually prevent by being patient and understanding when handling and providing food to your rabbit. Although biting may be worrying or troublesome for you, even well looked after rabbits can occasionally feel nervous or threatened. Here are some reasons why your rabbit may be biting,… Read more »