Our Diverse Planet


Did you ever stop to think just what a diverse planet Earth is? Earth is incredibly varied in terms of micro-organisms, plants, animals and ecosystems.

How many different species of animals do you think there are? Well it is estimated that there are as many as one trillion different species living on this amazing planet at any one time! Wow.


diverse planet


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See below for a breakdown of diversity on planet Earth.

Diverse Micro-organisms


Microbes live in every kind of habitat (terrestrial, aquatic, atmospheric, or living host). Their presence invariably affects the environment in which they grow. Their diversity enables them to thrive in extremely cold or extremely hot environments.

Microorganisms include fungi, algae and microalgae, bacteria, archaea and microscopic animals. Microorganisms were the first life on earth. Without them there could be no life on the planet.


Diverse Micro-organisms


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Diverse Plants


Plants are multi-cellular and mostly photosynthetic organisms. They are found essentially everywhere, both in water and on land. The aquatic plants include red, brown and green algae. The land plants include mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Biodiversity of plants ensures a resource for new food crops and medicines. Plant life balances ecosystems, protects watersheds, mitigates erosion, moderates climate, and provides shelter for many animal species.


diverse plants


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Diverse Animals


Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that move, consume organic matter, and reproduce sexually. Although these attributes are shared, species within this kingdom are also extremely diverse. This diversity is due to adaptation of each species to a different niche.

Biodiversity generally refers to diversity or variability of living organisms present on this planet earth and other species which have driven to extinction millions of years ago. Therefore, in biodiversity, every single living species has an equally important role in the ecosystem


diverse animals


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Diverse Ecosystems


Ecosystem diversity deals with the variations in ecosystems within a geographical location and its overall impact on human existence and the environment. … An example of ecological diversity on a global scale would be the variation in ecosystems, such as deserts, forests, grasslands, wetlands and oceans.

Biodiversity is the name given to the variety of ecosystems (natural capital), species and genes in the world or in a particular habitat. It is essential to human wellbeing, as it delivers services that sustain our economies and societies.


diverse ecosystems


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