Guinea pigs are vegetarian and their diet has little fat, so it is unusual for them to become overweight. However, they can gain weight from having too little exercise, being fed too many treats, or suffering from a medical issue like pregnancy or a tumour. How do I tell if my guinea pig… Read more »
How to help kids connect with animals without getting a pet?
Children are fascinated by animals. They always want a closer look at the squirrels in the park or to shake hands with the friendly neighborhood dog. Some children are just curious about pets, while others long to become pet parents. Here are a few ways to help kids connect with animals without getting a pet:… Read more »
What is the significance of contact with animals for children’s development?
Curiosity is one aspect that we foster in every child. Children can get excited very quickly when they come in contact with any animal. It could be a squirrel in the park or a friendly neighborhood dog. When children encounter an animal, they will try to find out how the animals react to different stimulus…. Read more »